Here’s how we are adapting to continue our services while coronavirus impacts our community:
March 16, 2020
Helping Hands Food Pantry plans to operate
Helping Hands Food Pantry of Eaton County is committed to the health and safety of clients, volunteers, and the community. The COVID-19 virus has created unprecedented circumstances around the world. With some modifications, we will continue to serve our community. Most importantly, we ask for prayer and God’s favor as we continue these efforts.
We are closely monitoring the advice and recommendations provided by state and federal guidelines, as well as Feeding America, Greater Lansing Food Bank and the Barry Eaton District Health Department. We want to take this opportunity to let you know what policies and procedures we are implementing in response to the COVID-19 virus:
Modifications for Clients:
• As an organization we have clients and volunteers who are immunocompromised. For everyone’s safety we are asking clients and families to not enter the building. If anyone is sick, please stay home. If the client is sick, please send someone to pick up the food.
• To protect both clients and volunteers, we will have a sign-in sheet outside of the main door. Families will sign in one at a time and be given a number. Clients will wait in their cars until the order is complete. Orders will be processed based on family size and will be given what items we have available at Helping Hands. The client’s food will then be rolled outside on a cart. It will be the families’ responsibility to load the food themselves.
• Carts will be brought in individually by volunteers and disinfected before being used again.
• We ask for patience while we all learn and adjust together.
Actions We Are Now Taking:
• We are educating our volunteers and clients on preventative measures provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
• We are increasing the frequency and extent of our cleaning practices, such as wiping down all non-permeable surfaces and frequent touch points.
Times are evolving and changing rapidly. What we have in place for the foreseeable future may be different in the coming weeks. We ask anyone with questions to please call Helping Hands at (517) 543-8737 or visit